Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Reflections for Feb. 24, 2009

Feb. 24, 2009

In our Mass today we include our seminarians in Tagaytay who are having their comprehensive exams. We know how good it was for us when we were seminarians to know that people are praying for us.

When we listen to the Readings today, we hear in the book of Sirach a father telling his son to be ready for difficulties once he ventures into serving the Lord. It’s like the Father telling His Son Jesus to be ready for his own sufferings and never forget the God Whose ways are evident throughout history. The Gospel shows Jesus telling his disciples about his impending suffering and death but the followers appear unmindful and unable to understand.

We are listeners of the same Word of God and are challenged today to keep in mind that history is the field where God shows us His saving power. When we learn this, may we grow in courage to face our own struggles and difficulties.

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